Write real spherical harmonic gravity coefficients to an ICGEM formatted file.


write_icgem_gfc(filename, coeffs, [errors, header, lmax, modelname, gm, r0, product_type, earth_gm, error_kind, tide_system, normalization, format, encoding)


filename : str or pathlib.Path
The filename to save the spherical harmonic ICGEM-formatted coefficients. If filename ends with ‘.gz’ the file will be compressed using gzip.
coeffs : ndarray, size (2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1)
Array of ‘4pi’ or ‘unnorm’ normalized spherical harmonic coefficients.
errors : ndarray, optional, shape (2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1)
Array of the spherical harmonic error coefficients.
header : str, optional default = None
An arbitrary string to be written directly before the ICGEM header.
lmax : int, optional, default = None
Maximum degree to write to the file. The default is to write all coefficients.
modelname : str, optional, default = None
The name of the model for ‘icgem’ formatted files.
product_type : str, optional, default = ‘gravity_field’
The type of ICGEM product.
earth_gm : float
Gravitational constant of the Earth, in m**3/s**2.
gm : float
Gravitational constant of the model, in m**3/s**2.
r0 : float
Reference radius of the model, in meters.
error_kind : str, optional, default = None
Which errors to write. Can be either ‘unknown’, ‘calibrated’, or ‘formal’.
tide_system : str, optional, default = ‘unknown’
The tide system: ‘zero_tide’, ‘tide_free’, or ‘unknown’.
normalization : str, optional, default = ‘4pi’
The normalization of the spherical harmonic coefficients: either ‘4pi’ or ‘unnorm’.
format : str, optional, default = None
The format of the ICGEM spherical harmonic coefficients.
encoding : str, optional, default = None
Encoding of the output file. The default is to use the system default.
Tags: python
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