pyshtools can be installed using the conda or pip package manager.

Conda package installer

The binary pre-compiled pyshtools library, with all required dependencies, can be installed with the conda package manager using the command:

conda install -c conda-forge pyshtools
conda update -c conda-forge pyshtools  # to upgrade a pre-existing installation

Python package installer (pip)

The binary wheels can be installed using pip by executing one of the following commands:

pip install pyshtools
pip install --upgrade pyshtools  # to upgrade a pre-existing installation

In order to use the map projection routines, it will be necessary to install either Cartopy and/or pygmt separately, as described in the section Python dependencies.

Build from source

If you wish to compile the archive yourself, you will need to make sure that you have the required dependencies installed, which include a fortran and C compiler, and FFTW3, BLAS and LAPACK compatible libraries. First, ensure that the relevant build utilities and compilers are installed:

# Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake gfortran
# Fedora, Centos, RHEL and derivatives
sudo dnf group install "C Development Tools and Libraries" "Development Tools"
sudo dnf install cmake gcc-fortran
# macOS
xcode-select --install

Next, clone the SHTOOLS repo and enter the directory

git clone
cd shtools

All dependencies can be then be installed using the conda environment.yml file that is found in the top level directory:

conda create -n your_env_name python=3.xx  # create a new conda environment, if desired
conda env update -n your_env_name -f environment.yml
conda activate your_env_name  # activate the new environment

To build pyshtools from source and install in the active Python environment lib folder, use the command

pip install .

To instead install the files in the current working directory in editable mode and link them to the system Python directory, use the command

pip install --no-build-isolation -e .

When pyshtools is installed in editable mode, a number of tests and benchmarks can be run from within the repo. First, you will need to find out the name of the build directory by typing

ls build

which should return something like cp312. Then, the tests and benchmarks can be run by executing the following commands in the top level directory

meson test -C build/cp312 --suite python
meson test -C build/cp312 --suite python-notebooks
meson test -C build/cp312 --suite fortran
meson test -C build/cp312 --benchmark --suite python
meson test -C build/cp312 --benchmark --suite fortran

To uninstall pyshtools from your system directory, use the command

pip uninstall pyshtools

Note that on some systems, it may be necessary to specify explicitly pip3 or pip3.x for the pip command.

Python dependencies

When installing pyshtools using pip or conda, the following packages should be installed automatically:

  • numpy: required for all numerical calculations.
  • meson-python: required to build pyshtools.
  • setuptools_scm: required to obtain the pyshtools version number.
  • scipy: required for a few specialized functions.
  • matplotlib: required for most plotting functions.
  • astropy: required for the constants module.
  • xarray: required for netcdf file support.
  • requests: required when reading files from urls.
  • pooch: required for reading datasets.
  • tqdm: required for showing progress bars when downloading datasets.

When installing pyshtools using conda, the following will also be installed automatically:

  • fftw: required for the fortran library.
  • blas-devel: required for the fortran components.
  • cartopy: required for Cartopy map projections.
  • pygmt (>=0.7): required for pygmt map projections. pygmt requires (see below) gmt (>=6.3.0).
  • ducc0 (>=0.15): required for using the ‘ducc’ backend for spherical harmonic transforms.
  • palettable: scientific color maps required by one of the tutorials.

Thus, when installing pyshtools with pip, it will be necessary to install compatible versions of BLAS, LAPACK and FFTW3, as well as Cartopy, pygmt, and ducc0.

How to install BLAS, LAPACK and FFTW3

The easiest way to install BLAS, LAPACK and FFTW is with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge blas-devel>=3.8 fftw>=3.3.8

If it is not possible to use conda, these can instead be installed using the system package manager:

sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev  # Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives
sudo dnf install blas-devel lapack-devel fftw-devel  # Fedora, Centos, RHEL and derivatives
brew install fftw  # macOS

Note that pyshtools supports the use of any FFTW3-compatible library, such as Intel’s MKL.

How to install pygmt

In order to use the pygmt plotting routines, it will be necessary to install both pygmt (>=0.7) and the gmt (>=6.3.0) library. This is most easily achieved using conda with

conda install -c conda-forge pygmt gmt

Alternatively, pygmt can be installed using pip

pip install pyshtools[pygmt]  # installs pygmt at the same time as pyshtools
pip install pygmt  # install pygmt with pip

For this case, however, the gmt library will need to be installed using other means, such as with your system package manager:

sudo apt-get install gmt  # Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives
sudo dnf install gmt-devel  # Fedora, Centos, RHEL and derivatives
brew install gmt  # macOS using brew
sudo port install gmt6  # macOS using macports

How to install ducc

To make use of the ‘ducc’ backend for the spherical harmonic transforms, it will be necessary to install the ducc0 (>=0.15) package using either pip or conda:

conda install -c conda-forge ducc0>=0.15  # install using conda
pip install ducc0>=0.15  # install using pip
pip install pyshtools[ducc]  # installs ducc at the same time as pyshtools
pip install ducc0>=0.15 -no-binary ducc0  # install ducc from source

Note: By installing ducc0 from source, it might be possible to benefit from the use of AVX instructions that can improve execution speeds by a factor of about 2.

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