Write real spherical harmonic coefficients to a binary bshc file.


write_bshc(filename, coeffs, [lmax])


filename : str or pathlib.Path
File name of the binary ‘bshc’-formatted spherical harmonic coefficients. If filename ends with ‘.gz’ the file will be automatically compressed with gzip.
coeffs : ndarray, size(2, lmaxin+1, lmaxin+1)
The spherical harmonic coefficients.
lmax : int, optional, default = None
The maximum spherical harmonic degree to write to the file. The default is to write all coefficients.


This function writes real spherical harmonic coefficients to a binary ‘bshc’-formatted file as used at Curtin University. The file is composed solely of 8-byte floats, starting with the minimum and maximum degree, and followed by the cosine coefficients and then sine coefficients (with all orders being listed, one degree at a time). For a 100 degree file, the contents are

0 100 C(0,0), C(1,0), C(1,1), C(2,0), C(2,1), … C(100,99), C(100,100) S(0,0), S(1,0), S(1,1), S(2,0), S(2,1), … S(100,99), S(100,100).

If the filename ends with ‘.gz’, the file will be automatically compressed using gzip.

Tags: python
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