A class for global gridded gravitational field data.


Initialization method Description
x = SHGravCoeffs.expand() Initialize using an SHGravCoeffs class instance.

Class attributes

Attribute Description
rad SHGrid class instance of the radial component of the gravitational acceleration evaluated on an ellipsoid.
theta SHGrid class instance of the theta component of the gravitational acceleration evaluated on an ellipsoid.
phi SHGrid class instance of the phi component of the gravitational acceleration evaluated on an ellipsoid.
total SHGrid class instance of the total gravitational acceleration with the normal gravity removed on an ellipsoid.
pot SHGrid class instance of the gravitational potential evaluated on an ellipsoid.
gm Gravitational constant time the mass of the body.
a Semimajor axis of the reference ellipsoid.
f Flattening of the reference ellipsoid, f = (a - b) / a.
omega Angular rotation rate of the body.
normal_gravity True if the normal gravity is removed from the total gravitational acceleration.
lmax The maximum spherical harmonic degree resolvable by the grids.
lmax_calc The maximum spherical harmonic degree of the gravitational potential used in creating the grids.
units The units of the gridded gravity data.
pot_units The units of the gridded gravitational potential data.
nlat, nlon The number of latitude and longitude bands in the grids.
sampling The longitudinal sampling scheme of the grids: either 1 for nlon = nlat or 2 for nlon = 2 * nlat.
epoch The epoch time of the gravity model.

Class methods

Method Description
plot() Plot all three components of the gravity field and the total gravity disturbance.
plot_rad() Plot the radial component of the gravity field.
plot_theta() Plot the theta component of the gravity field.
plot_phi() Plot the phi component of the gravity field.
plot_total() Plot the total gravity disturbance.
plot_pot() Plot the gravitational potential.
to_xarray() Return the gravity gridded data as an xarray DataSet.
copy() Return a copy of the class instance.
info() Print a summary of the data stored in the SHGravGrid instance.
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