Precompute the weights and nodes used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature based spherical harmonics routines.


zero, w = SHGLQ (lmax)


zero : float, dimension (lmax+1)
The nodes used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature over latitude, determined from a call to PreGLQ.
w : float, dimension (lmax+1)
The weights used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature over latitude, determined from a call to PreGLQ.


lmax : integer
The maximum spherical harmonic degree of the coefficients to be calculated in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature based spherical harmonic transform routines.


SHGLQ will calculate the weights and zeros used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature based spherical harmonic routines SHExpandGLQ, MakeGridGLQ, SHExpandGLQC, and MakeGridGLQC.

Tags: python
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