Compute the minimum-amplitude downward continuation filter of Wieczorek and Phillips (1998).


wl = DownContFilterMA (l, half, r, d)


wl : float, ndarray
The amplitude of the downward continuation filter.


l : integer, array_like
The spherical harmonic degree.
half : integer, array_like
The spherical harmonic degree where the filter is equal to 0.5.
r : float, array_like
The reference radius of the gravitational field.
d : float, array_like
The radius of the surface to downward continue to.


DownContFilterMA will calculate the downward continuation filter of Wieczorek and Phillips (1998; eq. 19) as a function of spherical harmonic degree l. The input parameters include half, which is the degree where the filter is equal to 0.5, and r and d, which are the reference radius of the gravitational field and the radius of the surface to downward continue to, respectively.


Wieczorek, M. A. and R. J. Phillips, Potential anomalies on a sphere: applications to the thickness of the lunar crust, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 1715-1724, 1998.

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