Read spherical harmonic coefficients from an ascii-formatted file.


call SHRead (filename, cilm, lmax, skip, header, error, exitstatus)


filename : input, character(:)
The filename of the ascii file containing the spherical harmonic coefficients.
cilm : output, real(dp), dimension (2, lmax+1, lmax+1)
The spherical harmonic coefficients contained in filename.
lmax : output, integer(int32)
The maximum spherical harmonic degree of cilm. This is the minimum of the maximum spherical harmonic degree of filename and the dimension of cilm-1.
skip : input, optional, integer(int32)
The number of lines to skip before parsing filename.
header : output, optional, real(dp) dimension (n)
A vector containing the first n numbers in the first line of the file (following any skipped lines).
error : output, optional, real(dp) dimension (2, lmax+1, lmax+1)
The errors corresponding to the spherical harmonic coefficients cilm.
exitstatus : output, optional, integer(int32)
If present, instead of executing a STOP when an error is encountered, the variable exitstatus will be returned describing the error. 0 = No errors; 1 = Improper dimensions of input array; 2 = Improper bounds for input variable; 3 = Error allocating memory; 4 = File IO error.


SHRead will read spherical harmonic coefficients from an ascii-formatted file into an array cilm. The maximum spherical harmonic degree that is read is determined by the minimum of the dimension of the input array cilm-1 and the maximum degree of the coefficients in the file. If the optional array skip is specified, parsing of the file will commence after the first skip lines. If the optional array header is specified, then the first n elements after the skipped lines will be output, where n is the length of the array header.

The spherical harmonic coefficients in the file are assumed to be ordered by increasing degree l and angular order m according to the format

l, m, cilm(1,l+1,m+1), cilm(2,l+1,m+1)

The actual delimeters (commas, spaces, or tabs) are unimportant. If the optional array error is specified, then the error for each coefficient will be read according to the format

l, m, cilm(1,l+1,m+1), cilm(2,l+1,m+1), error(1,l+1,m+1), error(2,l+1,m+1)

The ordering of the file is explcitly given by

l, 0 / l, 1 / l, 2 /l, ... / l, m / l+1, 0 / l+1, 1 / ...

The first spherical harmonic degree of the filename does not have to be 0; this is determined from the first element after the skip and header lines.

See also

shread2, shreadjpl

Tags: fortran
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