Compute the index of an array corresponding to degree l and angular order m.


index = PlmIndex (l, m)


index : function output, integer(int32)
Index of an array of associated Legendre functions corresponding to degree l and angular order m.
l : input, integer(int32)
The spherical harmonic degree.
m : input, integer(int32)
The angular order.


PlmIndex will calculate the index of an array of associated Legendre functions corresponding to degree l and angular order m. The input arrays are generated by routines such as PlmBar, PlmBar_d1, PlmSchmidt, PlmSchmidt_d1, PlmON, PlmON_d1, PLegendreA, and PLegendreA_d1. The array index is equal to l*(l+1)/2+m+1.

See also

plmbar, plmbar_d1, plmschmidt, plmschmidt_d1, plmon, plmon_d1, plegendrea, plegendrea_d1

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