Compute the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix.


call EigValSym (ain, n, eval, ul)


ain : input, real(dp), dimension (n, n)
The input real symmetric matrix. By default, only the upper portion of the matrix is used.
n : input, integer(int32)
The rank of the matrix ain.
eval : output, real(dp), dimension (n)
The eigenvalues of ain, sorted from largest to smallest.
ul : optional, input, character, default = U
If U then the upper portion of the matrix ain will be used (default). If L then the lower portion of the matrix ain will be used.


EigValSym will calculate the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix. By default, only the upper portion of the matrix is used, but this can be changed by the optional argument ul. The eigenvalues are sorted from largest to smallest. The matrix ain is first factorized into a tridiagonal matrix using the LAPACK routine DSYTRD, and then the eigenvalues are calculated by a call to DSTEGR.

See also

eigvalvecsym, eigvalvecsymtri

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